Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Things That Make You Go Hmm

As the debate over illegal immigrants heats up, I have heard a few libs use this phrase. Can you guess what is wrong:

"...you know, and the Republicans are criminalizing the illegal immigrants."


Here's another one.

I wonder what would happen if I went to Mexico and flew the American Flag while screaming that this it was my country too.


Would our country be better off if we stopped treating so many groups like victims and make them actually work for a living labeling no job ones that americans don't want to do? For god sake at least the illegals work.


and they aren't illegal immigrants they are undocumented workers. Just in case you were confused.


Unknown said...

Let's build bridges, Phil! You're just going to widen the virtual gap with finger pointing like that. I think. Honestly, you kind of lost me on a few of those examples in your post - I'm pretty sure I got the gist, though.

Illegal immigrants are just that, illegal. So talk of criminalizing and what not is irrelevant, in my view. The real issue is what to do with the 11 million illegals here now, and what to do about the border from this point on.

The border should be the easier of the two. Most everybody agrees that an unguarded swiss cheese like border is a bad idea. Border security and enforcement should be increased, greatly. Build a wall? I don't know about that. We'll never stop everybody from sneaking in, so a supposedly impenetrable wall is a bit pie in the sky. That doesn't mean that I say no to more immigrants. Far from it, in fact. We just need documented immigrants who have the rights and responsibilities that go along with being documented. If we have a legit need for a huge low wage workforce, then increase the number of green cards for that very reason. Like I said, this part of the equation is pretty cut and dry.

The other side, what to do with immigrants already here, is not so easy. We can't ship them all back to wherever they came from. Logistically impossible. Waving a wand and offering full amnesty is seemingly more feasible, but probably not a good idea either. I personally think a happy (or not so happy, as is more likely) medium can be reached. Cracking down on employers who hire illegal immigrants should be a high priority. They are one of the biggest reasons that immigrants risk so much to come here in the first place. We should deport anybody convicted of a crime (besides being here illegally in the first place). That sorta goes without saying, I think. And for the rest, they ought to be given a chance to get a green card. Probably put into the back of the line, behind those who are "legally" applying already - but still let them apply. We give out enough green cards to support what we need for a workforce or for sustaining a reasonable growth of immigrant populations, and that's it. In a perfect world, all you have left is an undocumented, unemployable (that is key) immigrant. Some will probably leave on their own, and the others Phil can round up in a 15 passenger van and drive them back to whichever border they prefer.

Before anybody else says it, yes - I am oversimplifying things. But I've got to start my train of though somewhere, right?

Jess said...

Actually you're not oversimplifying, really. I think it's a logical standpoint and certainly Intel Cit doesn't think that we should immediately expunge all the current illegals.

I don't condone that they enter illegally, partially because there are people who have worked their asses off and gone through the excruciating process of becoming legal, or even harder: naturalizing. Why should they have to work so hard for it, when some people are using the system and it's weaknesses to get it for free? Which is about as Republican as you'll ever hear me get...

The one thing I will point out, is that no one seems to see how close to the line of "kick 'em all out, includin' the coloreds" we can be about this. All, "this is our country; you can't be here, work here, take our jobs and crowd up our cities, especially if you don't know Amerrican (SIC)"

Let me be the one to point out that unless you are at least 3/4 American Indian (or rather Native American), you, too, immigrated here once upon a billion years ago. Anglo Saxon Americans as we know them today spawn from the "fathers of our country" that illegally came here (against the wishes of their government), scooched over the indigenous people and kicked off our shoes to make ourselves more at home. We didn’t speak the language of the country we were stealing and we certainly didn’t conserve the jobs and rights of the people that were already here. If you wanna talk illegal immigration, let’s jump back a few centuries…

Obviously, you’ll say, this was eons ago, so it has no bearing on the present situation. Or perhaps you’ll go with “But it wasn’t illegal back then because we hadn’t made the laws yet.” That one’s my favorite: We stumbled upon eastern coast America looking for a few little islands, claimed it as our own under a new government and immediately made it illegal for any other nationalities to follow.

We are indeed the land of the free and home of the brave… if you were born here. While I don’t care for the term “melting pot,” it is much more widely used than the “gumbo” reference I prefer (i.e. each culture maintains some of its original flavor and history, rather than a bland amalgamation of more or less anglo lifestyles). And we (Americans) used to tout our status as a place of liberty for all. If you weren’t born here, you do have to bring value or at least hard work to our country (thus the tedious green card process). Otherwise “the promised land” starts to feel like Walmart on a Saturday afternoon. But why are people so hot to just flush the lot of them?

Jess said...

You think that we should enforce laws that are hypocritical and that people (citizens or otherwise) should adhere to them without question?

You wouldn't have made a very good founding father, Granny. It's the uppity ones that fight for what's right and not necessarily what's legal.

(I have yet to make it to Canada, but it's on the list of destinations!)

Jess said...

While the paper out the window thing is a "stupid" small thing, things like starting a new country, "conniving" to end slavery... you can't always follow the laws when you set out to change them. Though I agree that for the sake of order, sometimes it is best to adhere to society's norms, I also have to point out that the big changes in history have evolved from the clusterfuck that often precedes them.