Friday, September 23, 2005

Final Thought on Katrina Then Im Done

Can I get a "Man Up?" Bush did the right thing taking resposibility for the situation in the gulf. But let's be certain, he is taking responsibility for the supposed short comings of FEMA. Ok, Ok, Ok. They screwed up some things, however I still think that we need to look locally. In my humble opinion, the mayor needs a look. I think that his unthought out plan to get as many people back into New Orleans as possible with another massive storm heading in their direction is a tell sign that he really doesn't know what he is doing. Could it be an indicator of what was going on behind the scenes when Katrina was about to make land? I think so.

I heard an interesting phone call/interview yesterday that puts a new spin on the "hating and leaving behind of black people in New Orleans." It was from a guy from St. Bernards parish just outside of New Orleans. The area is mainly white. The majority of them where not rescued. I fact crews were rescuing animals in the city before the saw any help. Now why don't we see that in the press. All we see in the press is the faces of black being used as victims. Leave it to the press to be one sided. Honestly, it has more to do with poverty than anything else and we could go into my views on that. But this article pretty much says what I would say.

This is a great editorial and interestingly its written by a black man: Post Dispatch Editorial.

I will have a Roberts update soon.

1 comment:

Jess said...

The article is interesting... I (democrat spokesperson for the nonhonky midwest) actually agree that the "blame" should be raked out a little more heavily on local officials (regardless of party affiliation) and less on the good ole boys in the Oval Office. Having said that, I'm not sure why America is so quick to need somewhere to point the finger. What does the chaos that resulted from a natural disaster have to have a human scapegoat? Things in a crisis situation could have always been handled better. However, since 9/11 our society is eager to lay blame with someone so as to find a tangible thing or person (or country) to blow out of the water and/or kick out of office. (pardon the water reference) I'm tired of arguing over whose fault it is instead of discussing how to fix it. It doesn't matter who breaks the vase, someone's in charge of cleaning it up and gluing it back together. Local officials, all the way up to Big Pappa Bush, who gives a damn? To quote my rural counterparts, "just git'er done!"