Saturday, May 03, 2008

I Guess I was Right, I do Lean to the Right, which Means I Think the Green Movement is a Joke

I am not really one to say "I told you so" but I told you so. The last major post was about the price of my milk being to high and on the rise. I blamed it on Biofuel. The comments I received on the cause of this were that other countries were having a shortage and the fuel prices at the time were increasing because of the to market cost. Basically that biofuel was not really a factor or a large factor. This was back in December.

It is now May, and you can't change to a news network without hearing about the increasing cost of food because of biofuel. Of course, there are still other factors, like export, a weak dollar, etc. But none of these are responsible for the world food shortage, included the hardest hit poorest countries of the world. None of them can go away in an instant, but using crops for fuel can stop overnight.

The green movement is just so darn short sighted. I have never thought it was a good idea to make fuel from our food...but apparently the greenies think so. They fail to look long term.

Biofuels is but 1 of 4 short sighted calls the environmentalists have totally screwed up on. I have mentioned a few before but will repeat myself now.

1. Nuclear Power - the spend so much time and effort fighting against it, that to meet the power demands of this country, more fossil fuel burning plants have been built. Smart thinking.

2. Paper or Plastic - back in the 80s the push was huge to rid the food markets of the common usage of paper bags. The war for consumers to adopt the more environmental pastic bags was waged and won. Now we are looking at bills in different states that place a .25 cent fee per plastic bag to deter consumers from using them because apparently plastic bags are now a problem.

3. Global Warming - Can I say I hate Al Gore. I hope so because is the largest scam artist our there. His movie and nobel prize are a fat joke. Outside that point, last year was supposed to be the worst hurrican season on record because of global was not. The polar ice caps are supposed to be melting at their worst rate ever...they actually got bigger last year and this. The world is supposed to be heating up, except that last year, the global temperature drop was enought to nearly erase the increase over the last 100 years. It snowed in India, and not just in the mountains. Winter seems to gone on for ever here in St. Louis. I could go on, but you should get the point.

4. Biofuel - It's was apparently the way to roll...that is if you like global food shortages and an energy source that takes more energy to produce than it provides. Yeah that makes sense. Oh and don't forget the the creation of biofuel actually causes more polution, CO2, and cut down trees than creating and using the same amount of gas. Good stuff.

The problem is the greenies want to feel good about themselves, and Im sure they do want to help. But their hysteria blinds them from really attacking the issue, and blocks their minds from thinking any other way. I have said it before, and I will say it again. I am for protecting our environment. It has giving us quite a lot. It's fruits give us life, and mother earth receives us back into herself when we die. We owe our existance to her. But I am also a realist which, and this may be a shock to the greens, is not an opposing value to wisdom.

Bottom line, drop the biofuel mandate. Produce crops for consumption, not fuel. The price on the commodities market will come down, the cost of food will go down, America can continue to aid other countries by sending food, the world will not be short of food (or will return to a level that is not causing riots), inflation will drop a little, gas prices will drop a little. That suggestion, and it's results, is not short sighted. Don't say I didn't tell you so, cause I did.