Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Environmentalist Make My Milk Cost More

I realize that it has been over a year since I have posted anything. Tisk Tisk on me. But life has changed. Since my last post, my daughter has turned 1 year old, I finally graduated college, I paid off massive amounts of debt, have a fantastic job and now pay much more for my Milk.

That is what I wanted to talk about today. I felt like I had to rant about this somewhere. My milk almosts costs 4 bucks a gallon. What the hell? A year ago, it was like $2.50. And no i am not drinking organic milk. Gosh that must be really high in terms of price. Sorry hippies, you made the bed...sleep in it. Most probably don't drink milk anyway.

I have come to find out that the rapid rise in price is not due to fuel costs. Well actually it is, but in a far different way not associated with transportation to market.

It turns out that corn prices are sky hight because of the demand for it to be used in the production of Ethanol fuel. So the dairy farmers are paying more to feed their cows which, in term, increases the cost of Milk.

Seriously, What the hell?

Don't get me wrong here, I am all for getting away from foreign oil. I don't mind drilling in Alaska either. But the environmentalists are messing that up too. I wonder if they know the caribou population is on the rise because the pipline is warm and gives them a place that they prefer for making baby caribou. So that means the pipeline is good for the environment. Or it means that there can be some type of harmony.

I am also for a capitalist society, in which, I understand that the point is to make a buck. Free market economy is a beautiful thing.

But I am not sure about where you live, I haven't seen one Ethanol pump ever. So where is it all going? And if it isn't wide spread available, then demand is not high, which means the production is not high, which means corn shouldn't be that high, which leads back the questions "why is hell is my milk so high?"

Besides, hydogen fuel cells are the future of low emmisions cars, along with nuclear power for the country. Which, interesting, environmentalists have started to come around on because it is truely clean, in terms of emissions. We should thank them for not supporting it and backing legislation that prevented nuclear power plants from being build for the past 15 years. Thusly forcing us to rely even more so on coal, natual gas, and other Non clean forms of power generation because wind and solar just aren't afforadable to about 90% of America. Environmentalists should get a high five...

...they should also pay for my milk.