Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The Prodigal Son (Blogger) Returns to the Hold Land (of Blogging)...to find a Brall?

Im not going to appologize for being away so long. Life seems to be in Emeril Lagasse mode...up a notch. Regardless. GrannySmith asked where I'd been and my thoughts about this Palestine Isreal thing. Ladies and Gentleman, start your engines. (A side note, I have massive amounts of homework due tomorrow and shouldn't be typing this.)

Every damn news outfit, excluding Fox, seems to be covering the story one sided. I won't call it antisemitism, but I just kinda did I guess. What really astonishes me is the complete and utter lack of full unbalanced information. The press seems to be backing the stance of Lebanon, which is that Isreal is killing innocent civilians on purpose and that they are on an unprovoked crusade. To himhaa about the press is becoming a worthless endevor, but the stance of Lebanon flat pisses me off.

How many rockets have been fired from their country to Isreal? Answer: Over 2000 and you don't think one innocent citizen from Isreal has been killed.

What stirred up Isreal? Answer: Hezbollah (which sounds kinda like a word Snoop would use)grabbed a soldier from Isreal (actually two eventually), and took him to Lebanon. Guess what Lebanon didn't do anything about it.

Not suprisingly, everybody is pissed at the US (and at Britian too but not as much because they are not the US). Why? Because we are supporting Isreal?

Simple solution kids, it will stop...when those captured soldiers go back. That's it. It's that easy. Condi Rice was right when she said that a different type of arrangement must be decided for the long term, but if you want bullets and missles and rockets to stop flying...give the soldiers back.

And for God's sake, would someone call Kofi of at the UN and tell him that. Jeez, you'd think these guys don't even listen to Isreal.

This conflict is one for the ages, and something I should do a little more reseach on. I know it's about the holy land. But that doesn't make sense to me either.

I am reminded of a joke I heard one time:

A few years ago, Arial Sharon and Yasser Arafat were talking in peace negotiations concerning this land they both believe is holy. Arial said:

"Now Yasser, before we started I would like to tell you a story. You see, many years ago Moses was with his people in the holy land where they were resting on a long journey. One day Moses decided he wanted to take a swim. So he stripped down to his altogher and jumped in for a refreshing dip. An hour or so later, he swam over to the shore to the spot were he had left his clothes...But they were gone. So he asked a few of his people who were near by who had taken his clothes. They said the palestines did and..."

Just then Yasser sprang up and said:

"Wait a minute there were no palastinians there to take them!!!"

Sharon said:

"Good, now we agree on that, we can negotiate."

On older maps, there is an area (the majority of the middle east) that is labeled as palistine. But so what. It wasn't a soverign state or anything. It was just the name of an area, like The Great Plains or something.

Anyway, Im rambling.

Cheers...now rack of naughty.