Thursday, August 17, 2006

What Happened to the War and the Cease Fire?

I just find it amazing that an epic struggle is set aside for the accused killer in a 10 year old murder case. Crazy stuff. I find it extremely interesting that every news outlet sent dozens of people over to cover the conflict. And now quite a few of them are in Colorado setting up tents and fueling the media circus.

I don't know if I have mentioned it, but I really hate the press.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The Prodigal Son (Blogger) Returns to the Hold Land (of Blogging) find a Brall?

Im not going to appologize for being away so long. Life seems to be in Emeril Lagasse mode...up a notch. Regardless. GrannySmith asked where I'd been and my thoughts about this Palestine Isreal thing. Ladies and Gentleman, start your engines. (A side note, I have massive amounts of homework due tomorrow and shouldn't be typing this.)

Every damn news outfit, excluding Fox, seems to be covering the story one sided. I won't call it antisemitism, but I just kinda did I guess. What really astonishes me is the complete and utter lack of full unbalanced information. The press seems to be backing the stance of Lebanon, which is that Isreal is killing innocent civilians on purpose and that they are on an unprovoked crusade. To himhaa about the press is becoming a worthless endevor, but the stance of Lebanon flat pisses me off.

How many rockets have been fired from their country to Isreal? Answer: Over 2000 and you don't think one innocent citizen from Isreal has been killed.

What stirred up Isreal? Answer: Hezbollah (which sounds kinda like a word Snoop would use)grabbed a soldier from Isreal (actually two eventually), and took him to Lebanon. Guess what Lebanon didn't do anything about it.

Not suprisingly, everybody is pissed at the US (and at Britian too but not as much because they are not the US). Why? Because we are supporting Isreal?

Simple solution kids, it will stop...when those captured soldiers go back. That's it. It's that easy. Condi Rice was right when she said that a different type of arrangement must be decided for the long term, but if you want bullets and missles and rockets to stop flying...give the soldiers back.

And for God's sake, would someone call Kofi of at the UN and tell him that. Jeez, you'd think these guys don't even listen to Isreal.

This conflict is one for the ages, and something I should do a little more reseach on. I know it's about the holy land. But that doesn't make sense to me either.

I am reminded of a joke I heard one time:

A few years ago, Arial Sharon and Yasser Arafat were talking in peace negotiations concerning this land they both believe is holy. Arial said:

"Now Yasser, before we started I would like to tell you a story. You see, many years ago Moses was with his people in the holy land where they were resting on a long journey. One day Moses decided he wanted to take a swim. So he stripped down to his altogher and jumped in for a refreshing dip. An hour or so later, he swam over to the shore to the spot were he had left his clothes...But they were gone. So he asked a few of his people who were near by who had taken his clothes. They said the palestines did and..."

Just then Yasser sprang up and said:

"Wait a minute there were no palastinians there to take them!!!"

Sharon said:

"Good, now we agree on that, we can negotiate."

On older maps, there is an area (the majority of the middle east) that is labeled as palistine. But so what. It wasn't a soverign state or anything. It was just the name of an area, like The Great Plains or something.

Anyway, Im rambling. rack of naughty.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Things That Make You Go Hmm

As the debate over illegal immigrants heats up, I have heard a few libs use this phrase. Can you guess what is wrong:

" know, and the Republicans are criminalizing the illegal immigrants."


Here's another one.

I wonder what would happen if I went to Mexico and flew the American Flag while screaming that this it was my country too.


Would our country be better off if we stopped treating so many groups like victims and make them actually work for a living labeling no job ones that americans don't want to do? For god sake at least the illegals work.


and they aren't illegal immigrants they are undocumented workers. Just in case you were confused.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Changes to the Website

You may see a few. I am tired of using this template. I am trying to think of a keen looking logo that i can actually create. My graphics design skills are a little rusty. So if anybody would like to offer assistance, i would gladly accept.
Changes will come slow though as hardly have time to sit down and regurgitate my thoughts...or to even think for that matter. Stay tuned.

Patriotism...Don't Get Skurd

I guess maybe I don't understand. I don't get why poeple on the left are afraid of being a patriot. I don't understand why they are afraid to say "Hey, America is the most amazing nation on the earth. Im proud to be here." Why will they not stand up for that? I have heard serveral people suggest that we are one of the youngest nations around and therefore who are we to tell other nations what to do. What they don't understand is that we don't really tell nations what to do because of who we are, we tell nations what they should do because they look to us for guidance.

The United States is hated and loved all across the world. Nations will talk out of one side of their mouths against us but expect us to give money and people when crisis hits. The entire world depends on our economy, the value of our dollar, and the opportunity to come here if they want to start a new life. We are a symbol of what is right. We encourage and spread democracy. But for some reason, several on the left think we are the bad guy.

Believe it or not, there are actually people in America who think that we are the terrorists and that the others (what i would think are terrorists) are actually victims of our "tyranny." Let me set that straight. WE ARE NOT TERRORIST!!!!! Here's the difference. If we use force, as in Iraq, we plan our attacks looking for the option of the least amount of civilian casualties. Terrorists, however, look for ways to produce the most civilian casualities. We encourage and promote change to democracy (it is not a fight to convert everybody to christianity as some would have you believe) where as terrorists strive for oppression and domination.

Are we out for our own interests as well? Sure. Stength and wisdom are not opposing values. (Bill Clinton actually said that...don't wet yourself.) It is the responsibility of our government to look out for us; To protect us. Being selfless is all fine and good, but we should expect back. We are not the only one in the world that has to be selfless stickly because of who we are. When Katrina hit, France made the comment that they did not feel that they needed to give us money because we had enough. Hmmm... Well it was nice knowing France. Now if we had done the same god.

Listen though, we shall overcome. Why? Because we are powerful...We are the greatest nation. It's ok you leftists, you can say it. It's ok to be a patriot.
Don't you dare wrap youself in the American Flag and talk about freedom of speach or equality and how those very things need to be fought for (i.e. gay marriage, affirmative action) and then turn around and agree with other nations that are in opposition to us, thinking to yourself "Well, they have a point."

If you like those other places so much...then move there. We'd probably be better off without you anyway.

Im Still Alive...Just Busy

Serously I am.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Not Politics But Exciting For Me None The Less

I never really intended to use this blog for my personal life, it wasn't really set up for that. However, I recently found something out that I, at all times, feel like shouting from a mountain top.

I am going to be a dad.

It's an all round exciting thing, with a little fear attached. But believe me you, big time eye opener.

I will have some political tidbits up as soon as possible. College classes, work, and the upcoming kid, have really been kicking my butt. Onward and upward. I will make time for politics...There's always room for Jello.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

I Hate The Press

I hate the press. I should just leave it at that because it is all encompasing. But I can't.

Once again they stepped on their own tail when covering the mine accident. Press is supposed to be hard facts. Not presumptive speculation and hear say. There is a concept called confirming information that most news agencies fail to grasp. When the press reported the miners were alive, and then a few hours later reported the real news they were dead. That is completely irresponsible. They didn't even hear it from the mining company, they just heard it through the grapevine like everybody else in the area. The word of mouth was strong in terms of the news spreading to those physically there, even if it was unoffically heard from the company. But it was the media that hyped it to the entire country and was who truely spread the word. The fact is they mining company did not make any official statement, only one about the miners being dead. One of the families is going to sue because of the false information (see post on tort reform). But they are sueing the mining company, not the media. I think they are sueing the wrong people.

Blueberry Tort Reform...And...Birds?

I have got to tell you, I have been wanting to write this for a while. It's just finding the time. The problem is that with all the time I had to write it and think about it, it probably should be excellently writen. Probably not though.

It was a few months back when Bush started pushing a 7 million dollar budget to prepare for the global pandemic (god that sounds scary) of Asian Bird Flu. Everybody knows that name because the press has been trying to freak everybody out. Anyway. When President Bush asked for the 7 million, songs of "It's not going to matter anyway, It's to late to prepare," and "We won't have enough vaccines, we should have started years ago," began to be heard So now if everybody in America gets Asian Bird Flu, who will people start pointing a finger at? What a hint? It begins with a "B" and ends with an "ush." Granted someone could run over a cat in Cranksport, Nebraska and it would be Bush's fault.

What they (they being the blame Bush crowd) don't want you to know is that it is really the trial lawyer's fault. That's right. There have been some many lawsuits against companies that make vaccine, that serveral have gone out of business or will not make vaccine because there is to much of a risk of being sued. Therefor we do not have the producing capacity to supply the potential demand. In fact, lawyers were lobbying to hold up passing that money for one reason or another. Congress ended up only passing 3 million under the shadow of a Defense Spending bill. If there is an outbreak, there will be shouts that that "wasn't enough." Tragic isn't it? Only in America. Now please not, if something goes wrong medically and there is a reason to sue, go for it. But there need to be limits. The interesting things is that problem is mainly in America. Liberal lawyers play the "victim" card and press for millions of dollars.

I saw a story on a German citizen who is sueing because we was wrongly retained as a terrorist suspect and was tortured for a little over a year. Do you know how much he is sueing for? $75000 for lost wages and that is it. If it was an American, it would be in the millions. And there would be lawyers lined up around the block for a piece of the action. The sad part is it doesn't have to as drastic as torture to get sued for millions. Congress had to pass the Hamburger Bill that prevents people from sueing fast food chains to making people fat. Why? The last time I checked, we had a choice as to what we could eat and not eat. That a bill like this is even necessary is outragous.

We all have heard it. A lady sueing McDonalds because spilled coffee was to hot. The commercial on TV from some ambulance chasing lawfirm that advertises to join a class action lawsuit against some drug company (current the crosshairs are on Merc who makes Viox). If you're wondering why health costs are going up, you have the trial lawyers to thank. It's sad. There is a county (Jefferson Country just outside of St. Louis) that is down to only 1 gynocologist. Why? Because melpractice insurance is so high, doctors can't afford to have a practice. Something needs to be done.

As mentioned, there need to be limits. If people are going to sue for matters where they had a choice or where they are trying to make up for their own stupidity, there needs to be a cutoff for how much they can get. Tort reform. Only then will health costs go down. Only then will people start taking responsebility for their actions. Only then will be stop the false state of mind called victimhood (I have wanted to write something strickly about that topic for a long time). So everybody, the next time you see a commie liberal trial lawyer, ask for a couple of bucks they won for a single person on a junk lawysuit for french fries being to cold. That way you can pay to have the winds cut off you developed when you caught Asian Bird Flu.

Jokes aren't funny when you have to explain them but Blueberry (blue states=liberals) and Tort (sounds like a taste pastry treat).

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

A New Movie For Your Viewing Pleasure

My talented sister is at it again. Check out the sidebar for a link to her latest musings. Not bad if you ask me.

Spread the word.