Monday, October 31, 2005

Libs Make Huge Mistake...In My Opinion

Today brought, along with halloween, the nomination of a new Supreme Court Justice. Samuel Alito seems like a qualified guy as well as intellegent. His views, and rulings appearently, are fairly conservative to a point that the hard right should be satified with his nomination. The Dems missed a chance.

Harriet Meirs didn't really have a chance to show herself. I was not opposed to her and thing she would have provided a great perspective on the court. Bottom line, she was drummed out, and not just by the left alone but by the right. The left should have embraced her with a high potential for a swing vote on the court. But they jumped in with a song of not knowing much about her or that she was Bush's friend. Wrong move. This, again along with the right, backed her down and caused her withdraw. The left should have supported her simply because the right, as a whole, didn't like her or saw her as not conservative enough. They had a fantastic position. The angles they could have played on the right...Not supporting a candidate. Not hearing what she had to say. Not giving her the respect of a judicial nominee. Not supporting the process. Griding locking the nomination and hurting the american justice system and in turn hurting the american people. Oopps. That's not even close to what they did.

Where are the now? Fighting an up hill against an more extreme right candidate with no control over the voting bodies. ouch. If they filibuster (sp?), that can be voted down as well. With Miers, the approval vote could have gotten through with votes coming from both sides. Now, they can badmouth all they want, but they lost control. But hey, they made the wrong choice. And I guess if they make the right ones, or actually listened to the american people at election time, they would be in the white house...and majority in congress...and in touch with the american people.

Monday, October 17, 2005

My Style

I think I need to put a little more flow into my posts. I have so much to say, I can't seem to get it out. After reading some of my posts, I find that I jump around and just made statement after statement. That's fine, because I type the way I talk, but voice inflection, pause, and hand gestures just don't come out in text. While I have proof to back up my arguements, I just don't think I present it correctly. Meaning, I don't complete a full thought. My brain just goes on to the next point I want to make or the next thing I want to say and I just start typing. I don't know. However it makes for great debate. It's hard to explain. Maybe it a good thing because it sparks debate. What do you think?

Sunday, October 16, 2005

The Race In 2008

The scary thing is it might just happen. Im serious. H. R. Clinton is probably going to be the Democrate's Candidate in 2008. I know, I know, I know. Everybody has already been saying it. But it frightens me. Why you may ask? Well that is what the blog is for.

She...Im having trouble...might win. And let me head this off. I am not opposed to the idea because she is a woman. It is mainly because of who she is. She is a wolf in sheeps clothing. She is willing to be whoever the American public wants her to be to get elected, but will disregard all of that if elected. She is already starting to try to change her image by talking tough on illegal immigration. She is aligning herself with faith based organizations. All of this while doing nothing about the borders and favoring abortion. I bring abortion up only to show her true side regardless of what she is trying to portray. I have no intention of discussing the issue, mainly because I think it has diluted politics for decades ever since Roe V. Wade (interestingly enough Wade was an alias to protect the identity of the women in the case who eventually changed her position on abortion. A fact picked up in a wonderful book Freakanomics recommended to me by my buddy at the blog Unlimited Hell).

You are probably thinking, "all polititians do that, change their image to pander to a particular voting bucket." To some extent you are right, but lying or manuvering around your core values is not. So why might she win? Two reasons. One she is a woman. Again, not a problem. But being a "minority" wins big points in elections, especially if you are trying to walk on ground no one has been before. The second is Bill "The First Gentlemen" Clinton. Carisma-a-go-go. That is a political one two punch.

A friend, who posts on this site and shall remain nameless but rhymes with Ess, and I were discussing this very topic. And what I am about to say, which is not really earth shattering, would be a great bout. Condlezza Rice VS Hillary Clinton. Condi would have her. Not only is she a woman, but black as well. Maybe the black population will stop believing the Dems who they wrongfully attact themselves to. That may be the next post, How the Democratic Party keeps the black population believing they are victims and must rely on the governement. Condi is strong, she is a foreign affairs expert, she is extremely intellectual, and has a cheerfull presence.

Please take no offense. Understand the issues are very important, and their physical attributes are not all that I see. But I am looking at it from a voter block standpoint, rather simplistic but extremely important. I have to agree with some that this country may be ready for a woman president. Heck, Hollywood (not in any way liberal and probably wouldn't support Hillary...sarcasm is cool) is already preparing the nation for that very thing with that new show Commander and Chief. (Sidebar, Donald Sutherland plays an evil Republican. Hmmm. Media bias. Not Hollywood.)

The true problem lies in the fact that the Republicans have no solid opposition to Hillary. McCain. Hell of a guy, but too middle of the road. Rudolph Giuliani, the man who kicked the mob out of New York and toughed out 911. Maybe, but still if you are talking true conservative, too middle of the road. There are others, but none that truely stand out. We will have to just sit and wait I guess.

It's late. There may be spelling and grammer mistakes. Im tired. Chime in.

House Cleaning

Let me appologize for not posting in a while. I have been enjoying my days off of late. (Kings English sorry) Have added a few new sites to the "Links" column.

One,, is a fantastic site. The guys are hound dogs when it comes to finding a different perspective on the news.

The other,, was created by a stand-up guy whom I met through work. Check out what he has to offer, which is everything from intellect to music producing expertise. I think there may be a few Easter Eggs on his site as well.

Now to the meat and bones of issues. Check the next post.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Blanket Statements

Honestly, it is but it isn't. The Democratic Party is so out of touch with America it isn't even funny. Well...It is sometimes. But I think they struggle to find an image. Why? Because they align themselves with the wrong people. Objection your honor...Asked and answered.

No seriously. Let me give you an example (for the one maybe two probably zero people actually reading this). Take Cindy Sheehan. As you know, she wanted to talk to Bush and camped out in front of his ranch. It was her way of grieving. Fine. But look at what it has turned into. She is now supported by and Michael Moore just to name a few. But her message has changed. It's now hate Bush this and hate Bush that. That wasn't her original point. She was then in the peace rally in DC, which ties in somewhat, preaching. She even made an announcement, "will (name I have forgot) please meet your folks at the Social Liberation booth...will..."

Honestly, I think it's a little unfair to her. She is being used. But she is being used by the Hate Bush "movement" who will do anything to deface him. That being said, here is the problem. These same groups, and the same people are being melted into the Democratic Party. And the party is not shunning it, but condoning it and embracing it with open arms. This really stuns me, because I know several Dems who are simply not like this so the blanket doesn't cover them. But the party in general is afflicted with the disease. The Democrats, in general, don't just disagree with Bush, they hate him.

Hey I didn't hate Clinton. I disagreed with him, but I considered him a bright, extremely smart, charismatic guy who did some (some) good things. I bet most Dems won't say that about Regan and none would say it about Bush. But it's a little give a take. Bottom line, they need to find out who they are. They need Dean to flip out or hand out a flyer or something. Hilary may do it. That will be my next topic.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Judge Roberts Voted In

Congrats to John Roberts. I am sure that he will do well.

Our Kanye West Video

I have given it a link on the sidebar for easier finding as the original post moves down.