Tuesday, September 27, 2005

My Thoughts on the Kanye West Situation

Ok. So...My sister and I were talking about this whole thing. I think this video she created will explain things. Enjoy it. The credit goes to my sister though.

Use this link:

The Other Kayne West Video.

Then click on The Video.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Final Thought on Katrina Then Im Done

Can I get a "Man Up?" Bush did the right thing taking resposibility for the situation in the gulf. But let's be certain, he is taking responsibility for the supposed short comings of FEMA. Ok, Ok, Ok. They screwed up some things, however I still think that we need to look locally. In my humble opinion, the mayor needs a look. I think that his unthought out plan to get as many people back into New Orleans as possible with another massive storm heading in their direction is a tell sign that he really doesn't know what he is doing. Could it be an indicator of what was going on behind the scenes when Katrina was about to make land? I think so.

I heard an interesting phone call/interview yesterday that puts a new spin on the "hating and leaving behind of black people in New Orleans." It was from a guy from St. Bernards parish just outside of New Orleans. The area is mainly white. The majority of them where not rescued. I fact crews were rescuing animals in the city before the saw any help. Now why don't we see that in the press. All we see in the press is the faces of black being used as victims. Leave it to the press to be one sided. Honestly, it has more to do with poverty than anything else and we could go into my views on that. But this article pretty much says what I would say.

This is a great editorial and interestingly its written by a black man: Post Dispatch Editorial.

I will have a Roberts update soon.

Must Be Moving Up

I must be moving up in the world. I got my first spammer promising a quick and easy way to make money. I wonder if it is true. Spammers should be shot.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Book Report and North Korean

Was down at Blackriver Lodge over the weekend and had plenty of time to read. The UN Gang by Pedro A. Sanjuan was my choice. Rather interesting book. Pedro was at the UN Secretariat as an ambassador in the 80s and early 90s. KGB, drug deals in the parking garage, anti-semitism, and the absolute uselessness of the UN. Though there is some repetitiveness of phrase and over reiteration of facts, it still is an interesting read. I just ordered a book called ACLU vs. America: Exposing the Agenda to Redifine Moral Values. Should be fun. In the meantime I thought I would shift gears and read Jim Cramer's Real Money.

Just a quick note, North Korean is still building and developing nukes regardless of what they say. The duped the Clinton Administration and still got paid off with american tax dollars. Why would they stop now? Bilateral talks don't work without costing us huge amounts of bounty, and multilateral talks are strickly posturing. But hey, progress is progress.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

The Press Presses for Nothing

Did I mention that I dislike the press. Aside from the fact that the majorirty are on the left, all of them have to make mountians out of mole hills. Yesterday, that would be Monday, when I got home from work I watched 4 seperate news channels taking it to a new level. The topic was the Los Angeles Blackout which lasted for a total of about 2.5 to 3 hours. You would have thought that we were under attack by a Soviet ICBM. They had city planers, governors from other states, ex LAPD, ex Fire Department, Current Fire Department, energy specialists, spokes people from various city agencies, circus clows, PGA Pros...you get the idea.

Now this blackout was during the day at around 1:00 pacific, and they knew why it happened. It was in fact a safety precaution to protect the grid from damage caused by spikes and was done intentionally. But we had live helicopter shots and special report coverage. It wasn't long before someone brought the possibility that it was a terrorist attack (because of the threat over the weekend) even though within 20 mins of the blackout, we knew what the problem was.
This entire situation should have been a scroll on the bottom of the screen with updates occationally. But it was in your face until the horse was dead from a severe beating. Every single "specialist" that came on said, "You know this isn't that big of a deal. Really. It's just a backout during the day and will be resolved shortly." One after another, yet coverage continued. The only drama the press were able to whip up as they ignored the possibility they needed to move on to something else was that there were people stuck in a few elevators. Literally a handfull.

I can only assume that some of you are thinking, "Hey...that's the press. That's what they are supposed to do. Get over it." You're wrong. The press is supposed to inform us, not present a posture that we are quickly approaching armageddon. I mean, raise your hand if you have been in a blackout during the day. It's no big deal, happens all the time and isn't bad because there is still light for christ's sake. I challenge the press to actually report the news, instead of follow a political agenda or continue coverage with total specualation on information that is nothing and never really will be.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Since I just started this we will see how it goes.

Opening My Mouth and The Blame Game

Lock and load. The first post. I was trying to think of something monumental to kick this off, however my delutions of grandure quickly subsided when I realized that I am really doing this for myself. I have so many thoughts and ideas in my head that I just want to shout them at the top of my lungs. I will resist the urge however and just jump in head first.

Why are we jockeying to take a political stand already? The media, whom by the way I despise but will give some ups for the coverage of Katrina, are thirsty for a place to point a finger. Why? You could say it's because most of the media are just looking for a story. When you add to the mix the left and Democrats with people like Ted 'I Drink Therefor I Am" Kennedy, with a dash of Bill "The Turncoats Are Coming" Frist, you get political manuveuring not seen since the Red Scare. For those playing at home, it's called The Blame Game. One guess, where it's heading...The White House.

For Christ's sake, I heard Cindy Sheehan say that the actual hurricane was Bush's fault as if he ran around in circles in the middle of the Atlantic to create the vortex and then steared it toward the Gulf Coast. It was my understanding that she was greaving for her son. Guess not. I could say more but will again restrain myself. Don't even get me started on Kanye West. But we are still finding bodies and moving an entire population. Let's get the kids in schools. Let's start repairing the damage. Let's drain the city. Let's reconnect people with their families. If something went wrong, we'll figure it out later. But not now. Not when the death count is rising every day.

The celebrities, the press, the Dems, and the outright Libs will blame Bush anyway. They can think of almost nothing else but hating him. However, the majority of America doesn't seem to agree according to the recent poll. Only thirteen percent. Eat your heart out George Soros. But you probably won't hear that anywhere else but the Fox News Channel. And to claims that funding has been cut by Bush and that was why the leeves where only built to withstand a category 3 storm. Guess what kids, even if the funding was there, making the leeves strong would not even be close to being completed when Katrina hit. It would not have made a difference. It was as good as it was going to get. Now I'm not an expert on leeves, but Lt. Gen. Carl Stock, head of the Army Corps of Engineers, is. So take his word for it.

On the subject of FEMA... It has got some issues, however I don't think that they are totally to blame either. But again, let's not try to fix the car while it is in motion. Christ. What a brilliant idea!! Let's bash and underappreciate the people who probably haven't slept more than 10 hours in the past week because they have been dealing with this but make sure they continue to do their job. That causes nothing but more problems. That is one thing we don't need more of...problems and bureaucracy.